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 #100 - 3001 GORDON AVE
TEL: 604-941-7611
Fax: 604-942-4612


  • What is MRI?
    MRI is short for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (If your doctor has sent you for an MRA [Magnetic Resonance Angiography], this is also a kind of MRI looking specifically at blood vessels.) MRI is an advanced technology that lets your doctor see internal organs, blood vessels, muscles, joints, tumors, areas of infection, and more – with unexcelled clarity without the use of x-rays, surgery, or pain. MRI is very safe; in fact, it makes use of natural forces and has no known harmful effects. It's important to know that MRI will not expose you to any harmful radiation.
  • How does the MRI machine work?
    The MRI machine creates a magnetic field, sends radio waves through your body, and then measures the response with a computer. This creates an image or picture of the inside of your body that is much clearer than can be obtained with most other methods.
  • Why an MRI?
    MRI can provide very early detection of many conditions, so treatment can be more effective, accurate and rapid. The excellent quality of MRI images can also provide the best possible information if surgery is required. If there is an abnormality, MRI can show exactly where it is, its size and what tissues are involved.
  • How should I get ready for the exam?
    In most cases, you can just stick with your normal, everyday routine - no special preparation is needed. You can eat and drink your usual diet, work, or play sports (unless you have an injury!) - and take any prescription medications you need. However, there may be some circumstances in which you'll be given specific instructions to follow before the exam. These will be given to you by your doctor, or by the MRI booking clerk at the time the MRI is arranged.
  • Are there any restrictions with the exam?
    Yes. Because the MRI machine uses a strong magnetic field, which will move objects made with iron or steel, let your doctor know if you have: A pacemaker Aneurysm clips Cochlear implants A neuro-stimulator (Tens-unit) Metal implants Steel surgical staples or clips An implanted drug infusion device Any implant made partially or wholly of iron or steel Also, if you're pregnant, let the doctor know. Even metal objects not made of iron or steel can interfere with the exam – so don't bring any of the following into the examination room (a secure place to store your valuables will be provided): Coins Jewelry Watches Keys Dentures or partial plates Hearing aids Magnetic waves can also erase the code on bank cards and credit cards, so don't bring your credit or bank cards into the MRI examination room. They should be stored in the locked change room we provide to you. Last of all, you will be asked to change into scrubs that we will provide for your comfort and convenience during the examination.
  • May I bring someone to the exam with me?
    Yes, although they will likely have to wait in a waiting room while the scan is being done. While you're having your scan, you can communicate with the technologist at any time through an intercom system.
  • What's the exam actually like?
    There are many varieties of MRI exams. Depending upon the area being scanned, the set up of the room, and your position may be different. To begin the exam, you will lie down on the scan table. When the machine starts to work, you'll hear some loud knocking sounds. These sounds occur whenever the MRI pictures are being taken. Think of them as the clicks a VERY large camera would make when taking pictures! You will be provided with earplugs or headphones to help block out the knocking sounds. In any case, although it's noisy, an MRI exam is completely painless. The only thing you must do is HOLD STILL. When you take a picture with a camera, your subject must keep still or the picture will come out blurry. It's the same with an MRI machine. If you move, the scans will be out of focus - and you may have to repeat the exam. If necessary, you may be injected with a solution called a contrast agent or “dye”. This allows the radiologist to see the image more clearly. MRI contrast agents typically have few or no side effects, and the injection likely will just feel like a slight pinch. You may be asked to give your consent to this injection, at which time a more detailed explanation about the contrast agent will be given to you by our MRI technologist
  • How long does the scan take?
    The exam can last from 30 minutes to about an hour.
  • Will I feel any different after the exam?
    Well, you may feel very well rested since you've just been lying on a table and doing absolutely nothing! (In fact, some people even fall asleep during the exam.) Other than that, you'll feel perfectly normal and can go back to your everyday activities. If you have further questions about your MRI exam, the MRI technologist or your doctor will be glad to answer them.
  • When and from whom will I get my results?
    Your referring physician will receive a faxed report within 48 hours of your exam. Your physician may be able to access the images “on line” via the internet immediately after your exam. You can make an appointment with your referring physician to go over your results.
  • What is the difference between an MRI and a CT scan?
    A CT scan uses ionizing radiation to obtain the information, whereas MRI uses the magnet and Radiofrequency waves. For most types of organs and diseases MRI is preferred because it provides superior images with better definition than CT scanning.
  • What happens if I can’t lay still or want to get off the table?
    You will be able to communicate with the technologist with a call-bell and over an intercom throughout the exam. It is very important that you hold still during the entire time a set of pictures is being taken so the images turn out clearly. We take every measure to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the exam. Very occasionally, patients may feel claustrophobic in the MRI scanner. Some of these people may require a light sedative during the examination which we will give to you in the form of a small tablet taken by mouth. In this case, you will not be able to operate your motor vehicle after the exam and will require a ride home.
  • Can you scan my whole body while I’m in there?
    No. MRI is very specific and we can only scan the area that the physician has indicated on the requisition. We need to concentrate on that area to make certain that we get the best answer for you and your doctor.
  • Why does my whole body have to be in the scanner if you are only scanning my head?
    The bore (the inner “doughnut” sized opening) of the magnet is 4 feet in length forming a hollow “tube” in which the patient is placed for the MRI examination. We get the best images when the body part to be examined is placed as close to the middle of the magnet bore as possible. In most MRI exams a significant part of your body is still outside the bore, however, because the magnet is so powerful, even though we may be just scanning your head, it is still very important that no metal is present on any part of your body.
  • Why do you want to know about metal implants in my head if I’m having my back scanned?
    Certain items that are implanted into the body are not safe to come into the scan room, therefore, we need to know your full medical history to ensure your safety. All parts of your body are exposed to the magnetic field, not just the body part being scanned.
  • Is it a problem if I am breast-feeding or pregnant?
    We do not scan women in their first trimester of pregnancy as the effects of MRI to the fetus are unknown. If you are breast-feeding, and require contrast, you will need to express your milk for 48 hours to ensure that the contrast is not passed on to your baby.
  • Will extended medical benefits cover MRI scans?
    The costs of an MRI scan at a private clinic are not usually covered by the Medical Services Plan of British Columbia. At present, most extended health plans will not cover these costs. Please check your plan for details. Some employers, disability insurers (WCB, ICBC) and third party payers may cover the costs of the MRI examination for you. Payment is to be made at the time of the exam.
  • Why do you need my previous x-rays, CT and MRI scans?"
    They can provide useful additional information for the Radiologist for comparison purposes when they are interpreting your MRI scan.
  • Will the results of my scan be kept confidential?
    Yes. Radiologists and Technologists are bound to confidential agreements and follow strict codes of professional conduct.
  • How do I get an appointment?
    You can receive MRI scans provided you are referred by a physician certified with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia.Simply fax, mail or drop off a requisition form signed by a referring physician. The clinic will call you to schedule an appointment for the earliest possible date and time that is convenient for you.
  • What methods of payment do you accept?
    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Debit and Medicard.


Diagnostic Mammography, X-ray, Ultrasound,
Bone Densitometry
Suite 100 - 3001 GORDON AVE
TEL:    604-941-7611
FAX:    604-942-4612


HOURS: Monday and Friday: 8am - 5:30pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8am - 8:30pm

Saturday: 7:40am - 12:30pm

NOTE: our phone hours may differ from our service hours.

Suite 108, 3242 Westwood Street, Port Coquitlam   V3C 3L8


HOURS: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8am - 5:30pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 8am - 8:30pm

Saturdays: 8am - 4:15pm

Tel: 604-927-2130

© 2022 by Medray Imaging
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