Unattended children are not permitted at MedRay. Please arrange childcare otherwise we are unable to serve you.
* Please note that all XRAY visits for 5 or more body parts should be booked.
MedRay is proud to announce NEW, cutting edge AGFA DX 300. Our new systems provide industry leading resolution images at the lowest dose available. Our equipment decisions reflect our key organizational value...Quality and Excellence.

All x-ray procedures require a referral from a doctor with a completed requisition.
You do not have to book an appointment for x-ray examinations. They are done on a "first come, first served" basis. Bring your completed requisition and BC Care Card with you at the time of the exam. All X-rays are covered under MSP with a valid Care Card.
In Digital Radiography the x-ray picture is recorded and stored on a computer rather than on an x-ray film. X-ray procedures are performed in the same manner as before, we’ve just removed the film and replaced it with a digital sensor. X-rays are routinely used to examine the chest, spine, limbs or abdomen.
Benefits of digital radiography compared to traditional x-ray examinations:
Excellent image quality
Fewer repeated x-rays
Less radiation
Easier storage and transfer of images to your doctors
Multiple copies can be made and sent if necessary, with no risk of the original exam being lost or damaged
Less harmful to the environment- toxic chemicals used to manufacture and develop x-ray film are no longer needed